These sweet onions grown in eastern Washington are my favorite onion. Every July I buy pounds and pounds of them. Pull out the dehydrator, fill the trays and the next day-heaven. I will warn you, put the dehydrator on your covered patio as the aroma created by these onions can be overwhelming! I vacuum pack them into mason jars and toss them into stews and soup during the winter. Well, that's the plan. Reality is: they are my best snacks. You can eat just one slice, or tidbit, or crumb.
This year I'm going to also preserve them in a Garlic-Onion Jelly. The batch makes 4 half-pint jars. Perfect size recipe for the Jam Maker. I figure I'm into making several batches. You're supposed to serve this jelly over cream cheese. Dang, more temptation. Hope some jars make it to at least Halloween......maybe Thanksgiving.....
I also pickle them. My grandmother made pickled onions and went to her grave with some important facts about her recipe despite aunts, uncles pleading with her to share. She never said she used the Maui onion which is a super sweet onion like the Walla Wallas. I discovered this by doing a recipe I found on a blog. Bingo, there was that fantastic taste. I have since shared this with family members knowing that everyone in the family was desperate to have Nana's good stuff.
Hope weather is good where ever you are. Keep well.