Wednesday, September 23, 2020

It's Raining

 Don't you just love the smell of rain? I live in the suburbs so the smell is mixed with many things. But, oh, it's so wonderful.

We've had to live with smoke so thick I could only see a block from my house. Our air is clear now. I can go back and live in my garden. 

The garden hasn't been great this year as many plants simply didn't produce much or grow to their normal size. We do have pumpkins. My grandchildren are in high school now but are as excited as little ones anticipating some pumpkin carving. Their grandmother, who has equally waited for several years to harvest pumpkins, has evil thoughts of not sharing. All I see are pies, lots of pies, and scones. There are only 3 large pumpkins who have exceeded their normal size. Size was supposed to be 8 pounds max. They're really big!

I did at an earlier date shared why pumpkin growing has been a challenge. My doxie named Turk plucked every green baby pumpkins off the vines. He also enjoyed jalapenos, banana peppers, tomatoes, etc. You get the drift. He has crossed the Rainbow bridge, lived 17 years. We can now grow pumpkins and other vegetables he was fond of. 

We are thankful and so happy to have our garden, its fruits, and a healthy family in this year we'll never forget.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Here's my son Jon. Today he would be 45. Instead cancer took him 5 years ago. I don't know why today it feels like my guts were taken out of me. Hard, hard day. Stayed busy until awhile ago and the pain and sorrow hit so hard, all I could do was sob.
Grief is hard to describe. Everyone's grief is different. Pain does not stop. You wake up everyday and you find a way to deal with it. We all are on our own paths. Today, I strayed from mine and fell in a black hole. I crawled out and will continue down my path.
I am so thankful I gave birth to this magnificent human being. He touched many lives with kindness and warmth. The dog you see in the photo was a rescue dog and pretty badly treated. No one wanted him. Jon adopted hm and coaxed the sweetness and love out of this dog. His name was Domino. Domino changed many peoples' minds about pit bulls. We became his people after Jon died.
One of the funniest things that happened when Domino joined the dog tribe at my house was adapting to doxies. Our naughtiest doxie used to stand under Domino and steal his food. Poor Dom, it took him awhile to figure out the Doxie Creed. In short it reads," if something falls on the floor, it's mine."
The pandemic does force us to deal with matter we normally don't wrestle with. Some days one is overwhelmed. I return to my mantra which is I'm glad Jon is not going through this. But damn, he would have made our lives so much richer if he was still here.
If you're ever feel like making a donation, please consider the American Cancer Society. I'd appreciate it.

 Last Friday I enjoyed a warm summer day--just right temp in the 70ºs. During that night, the sky opened and it's been raining ever sinc...